Post Tagged with: "Slavic Muslims"
Pomaks: Slavic people of Muslim faith in Bulgaria
Slavic Muslim representation in the Balkans is not confined to Bosnians, so loudly had become in the early 90’s. last century. For several centuries the territory of Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey inhabits the other Slavic peoples of Muslim faith, calling themselves ahryane and outside the society known as Pomaks. Modern Pomaks live mostly in southern and south-eastern Bulgaria – mainly[Read More…]
Bosnian Actor’s Story Of Becoming a Muslim
Alexander – a convert to Islam grew up in a communist family in former Yugoslavia and remained in Bosnia after Yugoslavia fell apart. He is an actor who lives and works in Sarajevo, a capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and this interview was done during Eddie’s visit to Bosnia few months ago. Alexander talks about the natural tendency that is[Read More…]
An interview with Prof.Yakubovich, Ukrainian academic and Muslim
The website “Islam for Europeans” presents to readers an interview of it’s CEO Haroun Sidorov with Professor Mikhail Yakubovich, a native Ukrainian Muslim, the author of the first translation of the meaning of the Qur’an into Ukrainian, an academic Islamologist and a prominent figure in the Muslim community of Ukraine. As-salamu aleykum, professor Yakubovich. Please say something about yourself to[Read More…]
The road map for new Caucasian Muslims (Shaykh Ali Adani)
Abu Salif Ahmad ‘Ali al-‘Adanî, born in the Yemen, is an Italian Muslim and one of the scholars devoted to the revival of the classical knowledge of Ahl as-Sunnah, in particular the existential legacy of the Islamic West. He has studied in Tunis, with Shaykh an-Nayfar, the then greatest exponent of traditional Maliki knowledge together with such as Shaykh al-Akhwah, and a[Read More…]
Spanish and Slavic Muslim emirates in the Islamic Andalus
Following the collapse and disintegration of the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba during the civil wars of 1009–1013, al-Andalus fragmented into about 20-30 kingdoms known as the party kingdoms, reyes de taifas or mulūk al-tawā’if. Some of these emirates, such as the Taifa of Silves, were little more than self-governing city-states while others, such as the Taifa of Seville, controlled large swathes of territory.[Read More…]
The song about Bosnian heroes
Song “Devet Heroja” which means “Nine Heroes” in Bosnian, and it is a story about nine martyrs of Bosnia, who sacrificed their lives for the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its people. The visuals in the video are stunning, and the editing is on point. Translation is below. The barricade of our freedom is the river Drina My brother,[Read More…]