Archive for June, 2019

How A Nation of White Christians Accepted Islam

How A Nation of White Christians Accepted Islam

Some amazing hidden history that is not taught in schools of how a nation of white Christians in the heart of Europe accepted Islam freely by choice, because it went together with the true teachings of Jesus, peace be upon him.

June 30, 2019 0 comments History & Culture
Why White Converts Feel So Marginalized?

Why White Converts Feel So Marginalized?

This post is to explain why white converts in the West feel so marginalized by their fellow Muslims, and what we can do to ameliorate the situation of our fellow Muslims in the West. Daw’ah, or calling the people to Islam, is a fard kiffayah (communal obligation) in some madhabs, and fard ayn (individual obligation) in others. The former means[Read More…]

June 17, 2019 4 comments Our vision
English Identity And Multiculturalism (Video)

English Identity And Multiculturalism (Video)

English Identity And Multiculturalism – Paul Williams and Visitors Hyde Park Speakers Corner

June 17, 2019 0 comments Society
How Islamic Is Anti-White Critical Race Theory?

How Islamic Is Anti-White Critical Race Theory?

How Islamic Is Critical Race Theory? By Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali   Critiquing ideologies is often mired by oversimplification. And, such critiques, likewise, result in the terms under scrutiny being stigmatized along with their advocates. This applies to ideological targets like Marxism, socialism, feminism, and critical race theory. Whenever one wants to make short work of another’s perspective, all one needs to[Read More…]

June 17, 2019 0 comments Society