Should you give your wife the green light to cheat on you this Christmas?
These are the important questions Western bourgeoisie men are supposed to be asking themselves, apparently.
“Many experts now believe monogamy is a tighter fit for women than for men. This Christmas give your wife something she really wants. Something truly exciting. A hall pass.”
For those of you keeping track, “hall pass” is the newest, cutesy term denoting debased zina. I wonder if little Timmy thinks it’s fun and cute when Mommy uses her “hall pass” with the next door neighbor on Christmas Eve. Hopefully little Timmy won’t mind helping Mommy take her medication after her use of the “hall pass” ends up with her contracting HIV from the milkman. What a Christmas miracle!
Wednesday Martin, whose latest book Untrue explores “why nearly everything we believe about women and lust and infidelity” is wrong: “We now know long-term relationships are harder on female desire than they are on male desire,” she says.
This is a significant point. We have been told over and over again by feminists that the average man is a lustful beast constantly looking for any opportunity to mate with anything that crosses his path. That’s why we have “rape culture.” That’s why we have domestic abuse. It’s all because of toxic male lust that, in its worst manifestation, becomes violent rape and abuse. This portrayal is, of course, extremely damaging to men and all human relationships because it encourages suspicion and distrust. Women can’t trust their husbands. Daughters can’t trust their fathers, etc.
But turns out, women aren’t too innocent themselves:
To this end, her chapter “Bonobos in Paradise” begins with a look at the work of primatologists regarding the sexual behaviour of female simians.
We learn that “our primate sisters are sexual adventuresses, driven by the thrill of the unknown and unfamiliar. And not a few of them like to get busy with other females.”
A few pages later, Martin has segued into reportage from the front line of female sexual exploration: women-only sex parties, known as Skirt Club, and attended by women who identify as largely heterosexual, many of whom are married to men.
What she witnessed there didn’t only show female sexual fluidity in action in humans; it also busted another myth, she says – that women cheat for emotional connection.
“These women are going there to have one-off, more or less anonymous encounters with other women,” she says.
“There could be no more vivid illustration of the data about female sexuality than Skirt Club.”
“Skirt Club.” Add yet another entry to the long list of Western degeneracy. By the way, these are undoubtedly the freedoms the Muslim world jealously hates the superior West for: Wives cuckolding their husbands with other women.
“What’s so exciting is there’s relatively new science and social science that flies in the face of the holy triumvirate of beliefs about male versus female sexuality: the first being that the male libido is stronger than the female libido; the second being that women are more naturally monogamous; and the third being that women are the enforcers of monogamy and are more cosy and domestic than men,” she says.
Finally! Western science has finally caught up to Islam in recognizing the fitna of women. The Prophet ﷺ said, “After me I have not left any fitna more harmful to men than women.” [Bukhari] He also said: “This world is fresh and sweet, and Allah will make you successive generations therein, so look at what you do and beware of this world and beware of women.” [Ibn Maja] Who is left that will heed the words of our beloved Messenger ﷺ?
In the feminist mindset, men are predators and women are innocent victims who are preyed upon. But Islam recognizes that it takes two to tango. For every man who cheats, there is a woman who chooses to cheat with him. And, if this latest scientific research cited by Dr. Wednesday Martin is to be accepted, there are more women than men looking to cheat because women have more desire for escaping monogamy than men.
This also helps us understand why, statistically, women more often initiate divorce than men. Nearly 70% of all divorces happen because the woman wants out. This is especially true in the West due to the constant barrage of media messaging telling women that their husbands are losers, their husbands don’t deserve them, their husbands are worthless leeches who just take, take, take. In Western TV and film, there is the trope of the stupid, hapless father figure who is an incompetent schlub who would be nothing if he weren’t married to his talented, brilliant, beautiful wife.
Western women are fed a constant stream of this brainwashing, so it’s no surprise they’re perpetually dissatisfied with their marriages and want to get divorced ASAP so they can go find the handsome millionaire Prince Charming they’re convinced they deserve.
And white knight imams aren’t helping the situation when every other khutba on the minbar is about how much Muslim men are trash, how Muslim men need to “man up” and “serve their Muslim queens,” and all the other pandering cliches we hear every Friday. These imams are directly contributing to the divorce rate, breaking up families just so the feminist hijabis can nod their heads and say, “MashaAllah, I love this imam. He gets it.” Hope it’s worth it.
The Sharia, of course, already addresses this problem: By giving men the exclusive right to issue talaq. Look at the wisdom here. As science has now affirmed what was always obvious: Men are the maintainers of monogamy, not women. Women are more inclined to leave committed relationships to pursue others, as all the scientific research shows. That is their nature. So doesn’t it make sense not to give them the nuclear launch codes?
Insofar as we are committed to a prosperous, flourishing society and insofar as such a society depends on strong, committed marriages and strong, stable families, then the last thing we should do is give women equal ability to issue talaq. Only men should have that right, as the Sharia recognizes and as Allah has commanded.
(And, yes, women can be abused and mistreated in marriage and need to have a way out in those cases, which is why the Sharia provides khul`. But these are exceptions to the rule. Muslim feminist deformers want to destroy the rule because of the exceptions, which is as smart as abolishing traffic laws because, every now and then, someone wrongfully gets a speeding ticket by a jerk police officer.)
“If we have a pleasure revolution and start to put female pleasure at the centre of our sexual universe, there’s a case to be made that that could change relationships outside the bedroom as well,” says Martin. I hope so. We’ll have to see.”
Yes, let’s pretend like female pleasure isn’t already at the center of the degenerate West’s universe. If we start pimping out our wives on Christmas, that will definitely bring about racial equality, world peace, and all the other amazing things the uptight, prudish patriarchy has imposed on everyone.