Post Tagged with: "European Muslims"

New Video: A Positive European Muslim Identity

New Video: A Positive European Muslim Identity

Why European Muslim Sub-communities are needed Reason #8 – A Positive European Muslim Identity. Instead of leading European youth down either of two destructive extremes (white guilt or white supremacy), we propose a healthy identity as European Muslims where we maintain our culture while still belonging to the greater Ummah.

September 4, 2020 0 comments Our vision
Islam4Europeans At The Youtube Now!

Islam4Europeans At The Youtube Now!

We are at the Youtube now – please, subscribe to our channel: First video in a series highlighting the need for European (and by extension other non-European) Muslim third spaces and sub communities based on our cultures.

June 30, 2020 0 comments Our vision
Are White Muslim Spaces a Problem? |  Robert Dufour Vs. Umar Lee

Are White Muslim Spaces a Problem? | Robert Dufour Vs. Umar Lee

Robert Dufour is a cofounder of the website Twitter: @robertofcanada Vs. Umar Lee is an author, a blogger, and podcaster and is known for his book The Rise and Fall of the Salafi Dawah. @umarleeIII

March 16, 2020 0 comments Society
How A Nation of White Christians Accepted Islam

How A Nation of White Christians Accepted Islam

Some amazing hidden history that is not taught in schools of how a nation of white Christians in the heart of Europe accepted Islam freely by choice, because it went together with the true teachings of Jesus, peace be upon him.

June 30, 2019 0 comments History & Culture
Why White Converts Feel So Marginalized?

Why White Converts Feel So Marginalized?

This post is to explain why white converts in the West feel so marginalized by their fellow Muslims, and what we can do to ameliorate the situation of our fellow Muslims in the West. Daw’ah, or calling the people to Islam, is a fard kiffayah (communal obligation) in some madhabs, and fard ayn (individual obligation) in others. The former means[Read More…]

June 17, 2019 4 comments Our vision
English Identity And Multiculturalism (Video)

English Identity And Multiculturalism (Video)

English Identity And Multiculturalism – Paul Williams and Visitors Hyde Park Speakers Corner

June 17, 2019 0 comments Society
Crusaders Are Not Ethno-Nationalists

Crusaders Are Not Ethno-Nationalists

Eight years ago I wrote an article about the ideology of the new anti-Islamic crusaders, based on militant liberalism and cultural Judeo-Christianity. And while I am sure that the Christchurch massacre is a product of this particular ideology, it should be noted that Brenton Tarrant explained his manifesto with other ideas. Tarrant differs from Breivik in that he declares himself[Read More…]

March 18, 2019 3 comments Our vision
An Open Letter to Sinead O’Connor

An Open Letter to Sinead O’Connor

An Open Letter to sister Sinead O’Connor First of all, let me start with the traditional Islamic greeting, As-salam alaikum (peace be upon you), and I would like to welcome you to Islam. I am also a white convert to Islam in 2003. You will find that Islam gives us a chance to get closer to our creator, Allah, the[Read More…]

February 3, 2019 0 comments Our vision
Icelanders Becoming Muslims

Icelanders Becoming Muslims

January 27, 2019 0 comments Faith
A 100 Europeans Performed Umrah After Accepting Islam

A 100 Europeans Performed Umrah After Accepting Islam

Islam is the most beautiful religion in the world. It teaches peace, love, and kindness. It is the second largest religion of the world with over 1.8 billion followers making 24.1% of the world’s population. In Europe, it is widely considered that Islam is the fastest growing religion which by 2030, will have 8% of all population of Europe as[Read More…]

January 12, 2019 0 comments Faith