Archive for March, 2018

Why Islam is True – Jacob Williams

Why Islam is True – Jacob Williams

My knowledge on this subject is obviously superficial and nothing I say is authoritative. However, in case setting out my understanding of the reasons that Islam is true might help others by communicating the ideas of far better minds than my own, I have done below. First, belief in the single, unitary God of the Abrahamic tradition (Islam, Christianity, Judaism)[Read More…]

March 31, 2018 2 comments Faith
What is “Progressive Islam”? – Dr.Shadee Elmasrey

What is “Progressive Islam”? – Dr.Shadee Elmasrey

The struggle of our generation is resisting the Progressivist zeitgeist that baits you in by effusive promises of tolerance, only to then turn on you the minute you accept it, ramming conformity down your throat and suffocating any form of dissent. The weak-willed succumb and proceed to tick off box after box of blasphemy after blasphemy until the religion is[Read More…]

March 31, 2018 1 comment Society
Islam and European knighthood

Islam and European knighthood

Once I came across a YouTube video, representing a selection of engravings by Gustave Dore on King Arthur’s legends on the background of the overture from Wagner’s “Parsifal” — nice artistic work, I really liked it. What grabbed my attention were the comments below: “And now, all this great European culture is been destroyed by Muslims”, declared one; the other[Read More…]

March 31, 2018 0 comments History & Culture
Some mistakes of European Muslims: shaykh Ahmad Ali Adani

Some mistakes of European Muslims: shaykh Ahmad Ali Adani

When one passes from the darkness of the kufr to the light of iman, an enormous shift takes place, across an abyss. This is accompanied, in most cases, and it is logical that this is so, by a strong discomfort towards the world of kufr and towards one’s personality prior to the acceptance of Islam. A serious mistake committed by[Read More…]

March 31, 2018 0 comments Faith
Atheists are lying: Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Atheists are lying: Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Shaykh Hamza Yusuf speaks about relations of natural sciences, cosmology and theology.

March 30, 2018 0 comments Faith
Independence and unity for European Muslims

Independence and unity for European Muslims

Islam has divine sources – the Quran and the Sunnah. But its functioning as a religion strongly depends on human and social factors. The way in which we get an idea of Islam, the Quran and the Sunnah depends on which preachers and books we learn about them from, and also on which scientists we are asking for clarification. Now[Read More…]

March 27, 2018 0 comments Our vision
Cultural innovations in Al-Andalus

Cultural innovations in Al-Andalus

Culture is often a difficult topic to study historically. How did present-day cultures develop? What other regions and times have affected our modern-day cultures? How were ancient cultures different from our own? One of the best ways to address such questions is to look at some of the cultural giants of the past. One of these giants was a Muslim[Read More…]

March 25, 2018 0 comments History & Culture
Towards an Islamic West

Towards an Islamic West

If my impertinence can be forgiven, I’d like to present a few modest thoughts as to why an Islamic West is so important and how it might, insha’allah, be brought about. Given the appalling condition into which colonialist abuse has forced the Islamic world in the last two centuries, no Muslim can be blamed for seeking to use Western liberalism against Western[Read More…]

March 25, 2018 0 comments Society
Calligraphic inscriptions in the Ottoman Bosnia

Calligraphic inscriptions in the Ottoman Bosnia

At the end of 15th century and at the beginning of 16th century, we already meet first domestic calligraphers and copyists, even at that early period, Tasmanian craft is developing and first domestic masons of tarih and epitaphs appear. The first important inscriptions by domestic masters are observed on the domed mosques at the beginning of 16th century. That is[Read More…]

March 25, 2018 0 comments History & Culture
Julius Evola & Traditionalist School – Abdal Hakim Murad

Julius Evola & Traditionalist School – Abdal Hakim Murad

An Islamic perspective on one of the great critics of modernity, and our current crisis of identity.

March 21, 2018 0 comments Society