Islam and Modernity by Kareem Maliki (part 1)
South-African Muslim of Russian origin Kareem Maliki speaks about Islam and Modernity (part 1)
South-African Muslim of Russian origin Kareem Maliki speaks about Islam and Modernity (part 1)
An interview of Haroun Sidorov, CEO of I4E to Ali Shahin As-salamu aleikum, Harun. As the CEO of the project “Islam for Europeans”, please tell about yourself and about how you relate to this problem? Wa aleykumu as salam. I converted to Islam in 2003 and this was preceded by about 2 years of meetings and discussions with the person[Read More…]
The website “Islam for Europeans” presents to readers an interview of it’s CEO Haroun Sidorov with Professor Mikhail Yakubovich, a native Ukrainian Muslim, the author of the first translation of the meaning of the Qur’an into Ukrainian, an academic Islamologist and a prominent figure in the Muslim community of Ukraine. As-salamu aleykum, professor Yakubovich. Please say something about yourself to[Read More…]