Post Tagged with: "Caucasians"

How Islamic Is Anti-White Critical Race Theory?

How Islamic Is Anti-White Critical Race Theory?

How Islamic Is Critical Race Theory? By Dr. Abdullah bin Hamid Ali   Critiquing ideologies is often mired by oversimplification. And, such critiques, likewise, result in the terms under scrutiny being stigmatized along with their advocates. This applies to ideological targets like Marxism, socialism, feminism, and critical race theory. Whenever one wants to make short work of another’s perspective, all one needs to[Read More…]

June 17, 2019 0 comments Society
If You Feel Like Your Race Is Going Extinct

If You Feel Like Your Race Is Going Extinct

Do you sometimes feel like your race is going extinct? Feel like you are being demographically overrun by people from foreign lands & stuff? Instead of shooting innocent people & wasting gigabytes of online forum storage, try: -Getting into shape & learning enough charm to woo -Pick a mate of your preferred race & produce plentiful offspring, which you rear[Read More…]

March 20, 2019 1 comment Society
An Open Letter to Sinead O’Connor

An Open Letter to Sinead O’Connor

An Open Letter to sister Sinead O’Connor First of all, let me start with the traditional Islamic greeting, As-salam alaikum (peace be upon you), and I would like to welcome you to Islam. I am also a white convert to Islam in 2003. You will find that Islam gives us a chance to get closer to our creator, Allah, the[Read More…]

February 3, 2019 0 comments Our vision
On White American Converts (1998)

On White American Converts (1998)

UNDATED _ Ismail Royer remembers the sunny fall afternoon seven years ago when a songbird heard in a suburban St. Louis park transformed him from a lapsed Catholic into a believing Muslim. Royer heard the sound that changed his life as he and a Muslim friend sat in Manchester Park engaged in yet another of their intense discussions about God.[Read More…]

September 10, 2018 0 comments Society
What Can Black Muslims Teach White Muslims? And Why Do They Learn The Opposite?

What Can Black Muslims Teach White Muslims? And Why Do They Learn The Opposite?

Isn’t it funny that white converts connected with the Warith Deen Muhammad community (also known as The American Society of Al-Islam), or even with past in the Nation of Islam, speak about the problems of white Muslims in the U.S. today? Although I lived on the other side of the Earth, for me as a white European interested in Islam,[Read More…]

August 29, 2018 0 comments Our vision
A White American Muslim Conference? Why not?

A White American Muslim Conference? Why not?

On the heels of the recent Black American Muslim conference held in California, a White Muslim brother recently bought up the idea of a White American Muslim conference. Wow! At first I thought it was tongue in cheek, and for the record, I’m not for or against but come to think of it, a White American Muslim conference is an[Read More…]

April 29, 2018 1 comment Society
Can European Muslims ignore “American discourse”?

Can European Muslims ignore “American discourse”?

Some native European Muslims who, like us, do not support the view of Islam as a religion of only non-whites or immigrants, nevertheless believe that we make the mistake by adopting American “racial” discourse in Europe. They believe that in Europe the problem of anti-white racism under the banners of Islam can be solved through the adherence of European Muslims[Read More…]

April 1, 2018 2 comments Our vision
Can “not white” be a native European?

Can “not white” be a native European?

Despite the fact that in the Islamic tradition blood relationship is established through lineage, when discussing the problem of the identity of indigenous European Muslims, we periodically have to deal with the issues of race. Is it necessary for a native European Muslim to be “white”? We have already touched on this issue in a number of our publications, including[Read More…]

February 9, 2018 0 comments Our vision
Two White Muslims (Intro of the Youtube channel)

Two White Muslims (Intro of the Youtube channel)

The Two White Muslims bring you “Inislam”, a free video resource to enable you to develop your understanding of the religion of Islam. 21 videos each of 3-5 minutes duration cover every aspect of Islam. The complete course is designed for non-Muslims and Muslims alike. We hope you enjoy them.

January 23, 2018 2 comments Faith
Caucasian and European

Caucasian and European

We’ve got an interesting commentary about using the term “Caucasian”, “Caucasian Muslims”: “I think you are talking about White European Muslims. I am a descendant of Caucasian Muslims and those are not our issues. Caucasian is a fake umbrella term for white people. If you do not come from Dagestan, Chechnya, or that area, you are not Caucasian. …Now that[Read More…]

January 18, 2018 0 comments Our vision